My Peaceful Place (MP3)


My Peaceful Place (MP3)


Release Date: 2012

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The Basic Autism CD is called My Peaceful Place while the Personalized Version is titled with the child's name (Ex. David's Song). Both are a full hour long. The Basic CD has generalized words of love and edification while the personalized version is filled with your child's own characteristics, and specific names of those who love them. They are both perfect for use anytime there is a need for calm. When used at bedtime these encouraging and affirming lyrics will renew the child's mind in who they are and that they are loved.  This will not only bring amazing healthy changes in your child’s life but will bring peace to the entire family.  Theresa's other music is also medicinal and can be used to help bring a deep sense of calm to everyone in the home. It is especially helpful at dinner time because it has  been proven to promote digestion.